My daughter is going through a stage where she likes her food to be simple. If I'm roasting veggies, there can't be any spices on top. If she's eating crackers, they have to be one color without any flecks of pepper. It's frustrating, but I'm starting to learn ways to get around it.
Same goes for sweets like these brownies. Because they're one color only, my little girl gobbled them up! Well, first she picked off the chocolate chips one by one and then she at the brownie, but that's part of the fun right?

As a mom, I can feel a little guilty feeding my daughter sweets - but these are an exception. I really enjoy baking in ways that I can sneak a little bit of extra nutrition in there, without the little people knowing. These brownies are made with buckwheat flour, beets, and a very small amount of maple syrup for sweetener. And instead of overloading them with chocolate chips, I only added ½ cup sprinkled on top. So there's way less sugar than many other conventional brownie recipes out there. Plus, there's a serving of veggies too!
Now, if you've never tried adding a veggie to your baking before, don't knock it until you try it. The beets give these brownies a red velvet color and add moisture making them soft and fluffy.
When I first popped these brownies out of the oven, I had to give them a try right away. While they were hot, I really noticed the beet-ey flavor, but once they cooled down I could barely taste it. I used two cups of beets in the recipe, but you could easily use one cup if you think that might be too much.